e-team offers a comprehensive solution and services adapted to the management of sports clubs, associations, institutions and other organisations operating in the field of sports. It can also be used by other associations or organisations. e-team offers many useful functions such as record keeping, list of members, calendar of the events (practices, competitions, training camps, other events), excellent communication among all levels of the club, keeping statistics, simple issuing of the invoices and overview of the received payments. It also allows importing and exporting data of the organisation.

e-team connects all users of the organisation, from the managers of the organisation to the parents of the underage members. It is also an excellent tool for mutual information and communication and it offers a complete overview of various events and statistics.

e-team can be used by all members and parents of the underage members of the organisation who have access to the e-team App. It can be used by sports organisations as well as by any other organisation.

The e-team App was developed by the Slovenian company DATASTAT Svetovanje in izdelava statističnih podatkov in multimedijskih vsebin d.o.o. which is in charge of smooth development, upgrading and updating of e-team. e-team was developed based on company's expert experiences and needs for an advanced and simple management of the organization.

Za uporabo e-kluba organizacija plačuje mesečno najemnino glede na izbrani paket. Organizacija ima tudi možnost enkratnega letnega plačila, pri čemer se ji prizna popust v višini 2 mesečnih najemnin (plača zakup uporabe za 10 mesecev).

A user can become any organisation that has concluded a licence agreement for the use of the e-team with DATASTAT d.o.o.

As a member of the organisation anyone with access, which is provided to him by his parent organisation (club, association and institute) can become a user of e-team. A user receives access by email invitation with short instructions on how to access.

When accessing or logging-in into the e-team for the very first time, you must use your email address and the password you've set. Later, you can access e-team by using other accounts (Google+ or Microsoft) that were previously connected. You can do this in the My profile menu–Settings–Connect account with ... and connect the account with the chosen user account.

The organisations can contact technical assistance of a Datastat d.o.o. company by sending an email to [email protected], or call the office at: 030 602 000 every day from 8am to 4pm . You can contact us also by skype: e-klub_podpora. You can also report a problem in the Report a Problem/Make a Suggestion menu of the App.

Members of the organisation can contact their coaches or administrative staff of the club which is in charge of the management of the organisation in e-team.

Contact us

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Datastat d.o.o.
 Ulica Ambrožiča Novljana 5
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
 +386 30 602 000
 [email protected]

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